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Huttoft Primary School


We are a Good school.

At Huttoft Primary & Nursery School, we are proud of our pupils' achievements.


You can read the detail of our most recent Ofsted Report here, our inspection took place in December 2024.


Here are some highlights from the comments that Ofsted Inspectors made about our school...

'The school’s strong ‘family’ ethos means that pupils settle quickly'

'Everyone is treated with kindness and respect'

'Staff have high expectations for pupils’ behaviour and conduct' and 'pupils behave well'

 'The school values are lived out daily by pupils in the way that they care for their school and the local community'

'The school, alongside the trust, has designed a curriculum that is broad and balanced'

'The school supports pupils to progress well through the curriculum. This includes pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). These pupils receive effective help'


You can also view our data summary or the government's website for details about how we perform


A proud member of Horncastle Educational Trust