Year 3
Miss Burles is the Year 3 class teacher and Mrs Anderson is our teaching assistant.
When you step into Year 3 you are always greeted with a smile and a friendly atmosphere where Huttoft's school values shine through every day. The children take pride in their classroom and their learning is evident through the displays on the walls and by their enthusiasm when talking to them.
It is the first year in the Juniors and although many things are the same there are a couple of new experiences - such as learning French as a Modern Foreign Language and doing Athletics as part of the PE Curriculum.
You can see what we learn and when we learn it in each individual area of the curriculum and our Yearly Plan.
We select themes to bring the curriculum together, in Year 3 these include:
Autumn Term - Through the Ages
Spring Term - Rocks, Relics and Rumbles
Summer Term - Emperors and Empires
Click below to see the exciting learning we have planned for this half term: