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Huttoft Primary School

Year 2

Welcome to our class! 

The Year 2 Team 

Hello from the Year 2 class teacher, Mrs Oxford, and teaching assistants, Mrs Saywell and Mrs Lowe. Our main aim here at Huttoft Primary and Nursery School is to ensure our pupils are safe and happy at school. We have put strategies in place to ensure a smooth transition from Year 1 to Year 2 can be made so that all children feel supported in their learning. 

You can see what we learn and when we learn it in each individual area of the curriculum and our Yearly Plan.


We select themes to bring the curriculum together, in Year 2 these include: 

Autumn Terms: Movers and Shakers

Spring Terms:    Coastline

Summer Terms: Magnificent Monarchs



 Click below to see the exciting learning we have planned for this half term:

 Year 2 - Spring Term 2025 Coastline


A proud member of Horncastle Educational Trust